Wednesday, 23 January 2013


Research in Kenya is conducted by a number of institutions comprising both government and non-governmental bodies. Generally, these efforts aim at contributing to existing knowledge and improving the quality of life. However, dissemination of research findings to reach target populations-communities and the policy makers- requires an effective strategy, which pays attention to time and accuracy. The goal of dissemination of research findings and technology should be an interactive process of training, awareness creation, and livelihood improvement.
Research and technology are increasingly being recognised as central to both the origins of sustainability challenges, and to the prospects for successfully dealing with them. Research and technology cannot effectively contribute to sustainable development without basic dissemination skills and technological capacity. There is need for rightful repackaging and disseminating of research findings that would drive innovations and invention aimed at spurring micro and macroeconomic activities for empowerment and improvement of the social well-being of citizens and ensuring competitiveness within the region.
However, there is a significant gap in the ‘research to policy to practice’ pathway, particularly for national research institutions. These gaps reflect poorly effective partnerships among stakeholders and limit the potential socio-economic value of much research work. Various notable gaps existing between research and poverty reduction include;

There is a need to have local network organization which understands the needs of the local communities to disseminate research findings in a manner and language that the community and policy makers can identify with can identify with.

There is a lot of duplication of information from various research centers, which in most cases confuse the local community. There is need to harmonize the various research findings on poverty reduction by establishing databases and where possible; standardizing the information with those existing in other institutions to enable compatibility, reduce duplication and enable access to information

There is a gap between the various research institutions and local community organizations such as community based organizations, faith based organization and self-help groups who work directly with the communities
There is lack of follow up on the effect of research and technology dissemination with an aim to either improve or copy the same and re-apply it elsewhere.
Most of the research undertaken is often academically oriented, and almost has no impact on policies and practice.

 Generally, the status of the Kenyan research and technology is quite wanting; there is ‘inadequate and poor’ appreciation of research findings in the country.
There is an increasing realization that most research does not get into practice and that translating research into poverty reduction is more often a complex, incremental and haphazard undertaking. For research findings to be effectively communicated, research institutions need to have an effective strategy for effective communication, information documentation, and analysis and dissemination methods. The use of modern equipment is crucial for effective information exchange.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    You have written on very interesting and useful articles. I am interested on the status of Research dissemination in Kenya, could you point me to some relevant materials?
