Friday, 30 May 2014


Improvements in agricultural technologies can play a critical role in enhancing the welfare of rural communities in kenya. Agriculture is a principal sector in the development of such communities. In Kenya, Agricultural research is conducted by a number of different institutions comprising both the government and non-governmental institutions. Most agricultural researches conducted have mainly majored on assessment of biodiversity and traditional high crops. Generally, agricultural research efforts aim at contributing to existing knowledge and improving the quality of life. However, despite these numerous research efforts, the levels of poverty and low agricultural production still remain significantly low. The purpose of this study was to establish the factors affecting the utilization of agricultural research findings within Rural communities in Kenya. The study findings are an indispensable tool to different players in the agricultural sector including; the government in policy formulation, and help in adding to the existing knowledge on utilization of agricultural research findings. 

The study adopted an ex post facto descriptive design to assess factors affecting the utilization of agricultural research findings within Yatta division. The target population for this study was 21,012 respondents consisting of 21,000 small scale farmers, division agricultural officer, division agricultural extension official, three location agricultural extension officers, and researchers in Yatta division. The sample size was composed of 178 small scale farmers, one division agricultural officer, one division agricultural extension official, and four location agricultural extension officers, and four researchers. Cluster sampling was used in selecting a sample of 178 small scale farmers while Judgmental sampling in selecting the focus groups, four researchers and division agricultural officer, division agricultural extension official, and location agricultural extension officers to be interviewed as key informants. Pretest exercise was applied for reliability test using the split half reliability method. Data collected from the field was processed through data cleaning/editing and categorization into categories, themes and patterns for further analysis. Analysis was performed by use of SPSS for Quantitative data and relational content analysis for qualitative data. 

The analyzed data was presented by use of narrative reports, pie-chart, tables, percentages and graphs. The study results revealed that the average farmer within the division was a female, who could not read and write and the income levels are less than kshs 5,000. Poverty and illiteracy formed the major barriers to research results utilization. Further the available agricultural research results were highly limited to only those services farmers can access with minimal income such as free distribution of seeds and fertilizers. The average farmer within the division is unaware of the numerous agricultural research findings produced within and outside the division by various institutions. Researchers and extension officers relied on a very small spectrum of information dissemination tools/avenues

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