Friday, 18 July 2014



June/July 2013

  1. Evaluate five major weakness of Adam smith’s theory of economic development. 
  2. Explain five problems encountered in constructing a common index of development relating to social indicators in measurement of economic development
  3. In the recent years, Kenya has not been able to stimulate the objectives of level employment. Analyze five factors that may have hindered the objective of stimulating the level of employment
  4. Discuss five challenges of development plans in developing countries
  5. Describe five factors that may limit occupational mobility of labor in a country
  6. Explain five stages of economic development as stipulated by Rostow
  7. Country RED has been experiencing a very high rate of inflation in the recent past. Explain five reasons how demand pull inflation may negatively affect country RED’s economy.
  8. Evaluate five reasons that have necessitated most countries to impose trade restrictions in their international trade.
June/July 2011
  1. Explain the meaning of the following types of unemployment
    1. Structural unemployment
    2. Frictional unemployment
    3. Seasonal unemployment
    4. Cyclical unemployment
  2. State and explain six sources of government revenue
  3. Distinguish between the following terms;
    1. Balance of trade and balance of payment
  4. State and explain three accounts of balance of payments
  5. Explain the meaning of income distribution
  6. State and explain four arguments in favour of equitable distribution of income
  7. Explain the meaning of the following tools of unionism
    1. Collective bargaining
    2. Mediation
    3. Arbitration
    4. Strike
  8. Explain the meaning of the cost –push inflation
  9. State and describe five causes of cost-push inflation
  10. Explain five advantages of population increase to a country’s economy
  11. State and explain five characteristics of the under developed countries
Oct/Nov 2011
1.      State and explain five causes of inequality in distribution of national income
2.      Distinguish between direct and indirect tax
3.      State and explain three advantages of direct tax
4.      State and explain five monetary measures adopted by the central bank of any country to control the supply of money in circulation
5.      Explain five main objectives of the international Monetary fund I.M.F
6.      State and describe five factors of economic growth
7.      Explain the meaning of development planning
8.      State and explain four reasons why development planning is necessary
9.      State and explain four functions of money
10.  State and explain six types of structural unemployment

Octo/Nov 2009
1.      Define the term fiscal policy
2.      State and explain three objectives of the fiscal policy
3.      State and explain six methods adopted to overcome obstacles to the process of economic development
4.      Differentiate between free trade and protection policy
5.      State and explain three arguments in favour of protection policy in any country
6.      State and explain five methods of credit control adopted by central bank
7.      Explain the meaning of the following terms;
a.       Ageing population
b.      Declining population
c.       Demography
d.      Demographic transition
8.      State and explain six effects of deflation on the society
9.      Explain the meaning of the following types of unemployment
a.       Frictional
b.      Residual
c.       Voluntary
d.      Hidden
e.       Casual
10.  Explain five difficulties encountered in the measurement of national income
Oct/Nov 2008
1.      Discuss five economic factors that determine economic growth
2.      Distinguish between economic development and economic growth
3.      Explain four effects of population growth on the environment
4.      Evaluate four strategies that can be used to overcome manpower shortages and surpluses in less developed countries
5.      Distinguish between money market and capital market
6.      Analyze four functions of money market in Kenya
7.      Highlight five policy measures that a country can use to reduce wealth inequalities
8.      Explain five reasons against international trade restriction
9.      Clearly explain the role of budgetary management in economic development
10.  In the context of international trade, outline the concept of comparative advantage with specialization
11.  Distinguish between deficit budget and balanced budget

Oct/Nov 2007
1.      Describe five ways in which a nations’ productive potential can be increased
2.      Highlight five advantages of economic integration East Africa
3.      Outline four impacts of trade unions upon the management of an organization
4.      Explain six measures which can be taken by a government to correct unfavorable balance of payment
5.      Explain four types of temporary unemployment
6.      Per capita income is often used to measure the standard of living of different countries
7.      Highlight six advantages of using this measure of standard of living
8.      Define the term inflation
9.      Outline three undesirable economic and social effects of inflation
10.  Describe six major functions of public spending

Oct/Nov 2008
1.      Discuss five economic factors that determine economic growth
2.      Distinguish between economic development and economic growth
3.      Explain four effects of population growth on the environment
4.      Evaluate four strategies that can be used to overcome manpower shortages and surplus in less developed countries
5.      Distinguish between money market and capital market
6.      Analyze four functions of the money market in Kenya
7.      Highlight five policy measures that a country can use to reduce wealth inequalities
8.      Explain five reasons against international trade restrictions
9.      Clearly explain the role of budgetary management in economic development
10.  In the context of international trade, outline the concept of comparative advantage with specialization

Oct/Nov 2013
1.      Describe Adam smith’s theory of economic development showing clearly how a developing country can become developed
2.      Discuss the factors affecting economic growth
3.      Explain the characteristic of developing countries
4.      Describe Malthusian theory of population showing the major concepts he proposed
5.      Identify and explain five types of unemployment in developing countries
6.      What are the limitations faced in development planning in less developed countries
7.      What is international trade? Give four merits and demerits of international trade
8.      What is protectionism? Identify and explain the forms of protection
9.      Identify four negative implications of rapid population growth and four positive impacts of rapid population growth
10.  Describe the Malthusian theory of population showing how relevant it is to Kenya today.

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